Tag Archives: Cookie Recipe

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6 Fun Family Activities to Enjoy This Weekend

For many, Memorial Day Weekend signifies the beginning of the summer season and a return to outdoor fun. Here are a few great activities that will help you make the most of it.

Make and Fly a Popsicle Stick Airplane

Everyone loves to make and fly airplanes, and the rounded popsicle-stick ends on these make for a fairly safe, satisfying, and easily assembled flying machine.

You’ll need: 5 popsicle or craft sticks per plane.

Stack three popsicle sticks and then fan them out so that one end of each stick is still touching the others. Glue the tops together. Weave a fourth popsicle stick over the first stick, under the middle stick, and over the third stick in the triangle. Weave a fifth popsicle stick the opposite way—under the first stick, over the middle stick, and under the third stick in the triangle. If desired, add a dot of glue at each juncture for extra security, and let the glue dry. Paint your airplane or leave it natural. Take it outside and fly as you would a paper airplane. Hold the middle stick and try to launch it decisively and parallel to the ground.

Camp in Your Backyard

Camping out in sleeping bags is fun any time of year—in a backyard, on a porch or balcony, even on the living-room floor. Play low-tech games, like cards and charades. Make traditional camp treats, like s’mores. If you’re outside, enjoy a game of flashlight tag, played by tagging players with beams of light.

Make Patriotic Cookies

These red, white and blue cookies are festive and fun to make anytime. Enjoy the creative process and enjoy the response when you bring them to a party or potluck. In addition, they taste particularly yummy!

Paint and Plant a Flower Pot

Looking for a simple garden project or a teacher or other gift? Paint a clay flower pot with tempera paint. Let it dry, fill with dirt, and plant your favorite plant or seed inside. You can also cover a pot with seed packets or other paper products and attach them with adhesive material, such as Mod Podge.

Get Your Garden Growing

Memorial Day Weekend can be a great one to get into the garden. There are fun gardening projects to interest every age gardener and lots of easy ways to get a garden started, even if you’ve never been much of a green thumb.

Play an Old-Fashioned Outdoor Game

Will you be with a group of people over the weekend? Get outside and play an old-fashioned game, like Hide and Seek, Duck Duck Goose or Tag. Or play Pickup Sticks with real twigs!

You’ll need: Approximately 41 twigs.

Hold the twigs in a bundle, then release them so that they land in a pile. Players take turns trying to remove one stick at a time, without disturbing any other sticks. When a stick from the pile is disturbed, the next player takes a turn. Some players use a designated stick to remove other sticks. When all the sticks have been removed from the pile, players total their numbers of sticks to determine the winner.

Enjoy your weekend!

Photos: Susan Sachs Lipman, VA State Parks

Fourth of July or Groovy Colorful Cookies

Looking for a fun, easy 4th of July, summer or anytime colorful cookie? When we are, we often find ourselves turning to this recipe for “Beautiful Colorful Cookies” in the book, Williams-Sonoma Kids Cookies. It makes a tasty shortbread-like cookie, with a great crunchy texture.

But, of course, the real star is the unexpected, high-impact colors. We use professional paste frosting colors for wonderful results. You can get a box of 8 small color jars from ChefMaster, available at specialty baking stores, for around $8.

You’ll need:

1/2 c. butter, softened
1/2 c. confectioner’s sugar
3/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1 c. flour
Food coloring

(This will make about 22 cookies. We suggest doubling the recipe.)

Adjust oven to 350.
Put butter, confectioner’s sugar and vanilla in large bowl and beat, on medium-high speed, until creamy.
Add flour and beat at low speed to form smooth dough.
Divide dough in equal parts, one for each color you’ve chosen, and add food coloring until you get the colors you want.

You can then either employ the “log” method of designing your cookies …

… Or the “blob” method.

Here, logs are placed together ..

… and then gently twisted.

The process is very much like working with fimo clay.

This is the blob version, in which the log is created by putting rolled balls of dough together and gently rolling to combine.

The trick to both is twisting or rolling gently, so the colors don’t mix too much and each remains distinct. You can cut a slice to see if you’re happy with your pattern.

Cut slices about 1/4″ thick. If the dough is too soft, refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Place slices on ungreased cookie sheets about 1″ apart and bake for approx. 10 minutes or until set.

Cool and enjoy!

Here’s how the cookies can look with subtler colors. Happy 4th!

Photos by Susan Sachs Lipman

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